From The President

As a child growing up with my mother, I was subjected to painful, humiliating and dehumanising situations. These occurred because of our economic disadvantage. As a result of these, I wasn’t able to achieve good quality education.

My experiences are not peculiar to me alone. By personal efforts, good luck, good will and assistance from the good people I met along life’s journey, I was able to rise above some of these limitations. There are many people today who still suffer the same fate, being unable to raise above their situation for no fault of theirs. As a matter of fact, their situation today is made more difficult, at least in Nigeria, by communal clashes, poverty, bad governance and sicknesses that in the last few years have contributed in the rise in the number of orphans, abandoned children, single mothers and more poor families.

These experiences I had made me resolve in life to help anyone I ever come across that may need any form of assistance – especially women, young girls and children. God has been good to me through good people I have come across. I have over the years faithfully kept this resolution.

I have been involved in a number of charitable activities as far back as 1999. In 2008, I had an encouraging discussion with some very good friends, who all embraced the idea of my promoting love by caring, sharing, encouraging and assisting people with a mindset of unconditional love. I started working with single mothers, underprivileged children and religious institutes. At this time, I got support from friends and institutes that made it possible to reach where we are today.

In 2011 the idea to formally start The Fountain of Love Foundation was initiated with the support from my friends, family and different communities in Nigeria and today we have a branch in Germany. I wish to thank all who have made this dream come true.

The Fountain of Love Foundation is committed in love and united in a viable partnership with communities and individuals in touching and positively changing people’s living situations.
We envision a better world lived in love where no child goes to bed hungry; where young people don’t become victims of sex and human trafficking.

We are convinced of your love for humanity. We believe that you can get involved in putting a smile on someone’s face. Help someone today.

Thank you for celebrating love with us.

Susan Henker
President and Founder